So, I haven’t made it too far in this journey of trying to be alcohol free. It is like drinking wine is a part of me and sometimes I really feel like I deserve it and can’t go without, yet I can and I have.
I am the epitome of a Functional Alcoholic. Most don’t even know that I drink 1-2 bottles of Chardonnay a night! I work full time, have two amazing sons (17 and 20 years old) and attend all the kids events and activities sober. Weekends are filled with doing all the laundry, shopping for groceries for the next week as I try to cook most nights for the family, cleaning up the house, and trying to exercise everyday to stay in shape. Oh, and the 2-4 soccer games we typically have on weekends for the boys and my husband who also plays!

That being said, I know I am sick of this lifestyle. The one where I start thinking about my wine around 3-4 pm and by 5:30 or 6:00 in the evening, usually while cooking dinner I am having wine which will not stop until I end up passing out 😦 I have started to realize that I don’t even really enjoy the 1st two glasses as I’m just trying to get them down into my system for that bit of relaxation. After that, I just keep pouring and end up forgetting what we watch on the television, forget if I told my son good night, and forget if my husband and I had a fight the night before (which is terrifying waking up not knowing what happened the night before)!

Today, I am at home. Not working and trying to really wrap my head around being sober and all the positives that will give me. I want to remember the nights. I want to run and enjoy the evenings. (hence the title, Running from Wine). I used to love running and exercising and now it is just one more thing that gets in the way of my getting those first few glasses of Chardonnay! It needs to end now. Please let 4-25-2016 be my final sober date!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. ainsobriety says:

    Hello! You story sounds so familiar. There is so much more living than being a functional drinker! Trust me, I was one too.
    You can do it. Sober is awesome.
    My daughters name is Cleo! I love it so much.



    1. Anne,
      Thank you for the encouragement, it is much needed! I am trying all the tools I can and this blog is hopefully a positive start 🙂


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