Day 175. Restless.

Lately, I have been feeling restless and a bit uneasy.  I don’t think there is the thought that drinking would make anything better, I am certain it wouldn’t.  There is the desire to escape my thoughts, my feelings, and my uneasiness.  I don’t like the uncertainty of not knowing how to process my thoughts.

I think this is all coming from my finishing up a big project…a personal project (I am making a cookbook for my kids).  It’s an online thing where I’m putting all the recipes we grew up having together and I am ready to submit it tomorrow.  I have been so focused on this and it has consumed much of my time that the end of this is creating a bit of fear in me.  What now?  I have been working on this since I got home from treatment, and like everything it is coming to an end.  I am excited to get it printed and more excited to give it to them, to be able to pass along a part of our family traditions and remind them of our everyday lives…a way for them to remember moments and create their own memories with the families they build.

I guess I need a new passion, a new focus.  Continuing on my sober journey…one step at a time.  Figuring life out, ever so gently.

Keep going,


9 Comments Add yours

  1. ainsobriety says:

    Something new will come up to excite you.
    It’s always a bit of a letdown to finish a project.
    You are right. Drinking won’t fix that restlessness.
    How exciting to be almost done your cookbook!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and yes it’s a bit of a letdown, but I am so excited to have it done as well!!! I’m giving myself some space to find something new!


  2. Your cookbook idea sounds lovely. Alcohol will never help, it will never be the answer. A new hobby will come along. These feelings will pass, its just a stage 🙂


    1. Thank you, and I am grateful that I know alcohol wouldn’t help anything…actually, it would make things SO much worse! Feeling the feelings and I’m just going to let them be until I come upon some new focus!


  3. saoirsek says:

    Love the idea of a cookbook, that’s the fruits of your sobriety. I got so much more creative in sobriety. Yeah, seriously, alcohol never works🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I admire you made a cookbook! I wish my mom had done that..not that I cook, but I might have made a few of the cookies and cakes! LOL
    I need to start a book on my nature photos, as I love taking them when I walk.
    I struggle with finding things too, but if you search, and try a few new things, I know something will come!


    1. Thank you…the cookbook is something I can be proud of (even if they never use it)!!! Your nature photos would make a beautiful book, you should definitely consider that!!!


  5. That cookbook is a great idea and something your family will treasure, I love it. I think creativity is key, I crave it to keep me sane. My latest thing is making tote bags. It’s pretty easy and they make good gifts.


    1. Thank you! Creativity helps me a lot too…making things and being able to see the results has a sense of accomplishment and meaning! Tote bags sound awesome…and SUCH a good gift idea!


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